Friday, October 28, 2005

Gorgeous Week

This week has had absolutely marvelous weather. Every day has been in the mid to upper 60's. Beautiful.

In political news, Harriet Meirs is not going to the be the next Supreme Court Justice. I'm sure she is a nice lady (she looked like she would bring a tray of cookies to every Judicial event), but come on Bush, where are her credentials? I'm not saying she wasn't qualified (being the aid to the most powerful man in the world would be a good resume topper), but I believe the American people are looking for someone to go into the court who is ready to make changes, ready to stand for something, she didn't seem that way. Anyway, I hope his next nominee will unify our country, not divide it further. God bless!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Where Have I Been

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I want to start back up, but if you are blogger you understand that you have to get in a groove, and if you get off the groove it's hard to get back. Well, I'm trying to start the groove again. As you may or may not know who I am, I will reacquaint myself with you. My name is Tommy Bailey, and I am the Creative Arts Pastor at Northview Community Church. My respobsibilities are to musical worship, media, and overall artistic direction of weekend worship experiences. It's a very rewarding calling, and I love what I do. I also have a wonderful girlfriend named Emily.

Life is good, and I love the cold weather. God bless.