Saturday, July 09, 2005

New Videos

I am giving the message tomorrow at Northview, and here is a video that is part of the message. Let me know what you think. God bless.

p.s. you will need QuickTime to view it.



Wednesday, July 06, 2005

G8 Summit

Today I will ask everyone who reads this blog and listens to the Emerging Show to say a prayer today for those leaders who are meeting at the G8 Summit. They have a chance to enact a saving grace upon the continent of Africa--one true sense of the word salvation. God bless.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005


With the advent of Podcasting on iTunes, it has opened doors to many podcasters to a whole new audience. Since iTunes released it's podcast software we have had over 1600 individual listeners to the Emerging Show, and these are old shows! I can't wait to begin the new shows starting in about a month! God bless!


iTunes Test

This is an old podcast to test out the iTunes podcast directory. God bless.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day. Enjoy this day, and be safe.
