Friday, March 04, 2005

Move In Week and Grace

All the photos below this post are from our move in week at Northview. We are finally moving in to our new space that has taken a long time to finish. The anticipation is killing us!

This week at Northview our worship experience is based on the idea of Grace. Grace is one of those topics that brings to mind the forgiveness of our sin, the unmerited love that God has for us, so on and so forth. All those things are critical to our knowledge and experience of God, but as I have been designing and implenting elements for this weekend I have started to see once again that grace is a very hard subject to deal with as a human. Is it possible to extend grace to someone as ruthless as Saddam, is it conceivable to extend grace to someone who killed a family member (Timothy McVeigh), etc. Grace isn't fair and if we don't come to grips with the implications that it has on those who truly believe Jesus Christ then we will be living out a faith that will never be complete. It's been an interesting study. I would welcome any thoughts. God bless you guys, sorry it's been so long since I have posted.


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