Sorry, I Haven't Posted in a While
This is my first post in a week. Sorry about the delay. Life is going
strong right now. I love the weather change (other than NO sunshine).
I heard a friend from another state tell me the other day that they
didn't get anything out of his/her church's worship. I thought about
that statement for a long time and realized that his/her thinking about
worship has been distorted. The meaning of worship has nothing to do
with US getting anything. The word worship is all about US giving
everything to our Creator, expecting nothing in return. We worship,
because that is what we were born to do. Until we can grasp the idea
that worship is not another Western consumer product, and it is a
living-breathing-lifetstyle, anything that we "feel" during a "worship
service" could be construed as emotionalism. Until we give ourselves
away in our worship instead of expecting some kind of emotional
high----that is all it will be, an emotional high. You can feel God
when you genuinely worship, I believe that. The problem is that our
mentality has been such that our END is to feel, and not to give. Just
a few thoughts. God bless!!