Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Earth Warmest In 400 Years
Weighing in on the highest profile debate about global warming, the nation's premier science policy body on Thursday voiced a "high level of confidence" that Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, and possibly even the last 2,000 years.
This study is that latest in a series of studies to theorize that human conduct has had an impact on Global climate change. Most extreme conservatives would still say that human conduct has nothing to do with global warming, and the most extreme would say that global warming isn't even real. This current study was requested by a Republican controlled congress, not a left wing independent or Democrat. This planetary problem is no longer just a left-wing wack job issue, it's a real issue for this planet, and it's time to be good stewards of this planet (the first command of God to humans by the way). is a great place to get started if you want to get involved (non-partisan)
Posted by
Tommy Bailey
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I've changed the look of the blog. Hope you like it. It needed to be simpler.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ~Confucius
Posted by
Tommy Bailey
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Pat Robertson Has Officially Lost It
If you've been watching the new the past few months you might have seen some recent happenings over at the 700 Club camp. Apparently our good friend Pat Robertson has accomplished a task no man has ever accomplished. He has leg-pressed 2000lbs of weight. To put this into perspective, the record is 665lbs. Is it possible that this 73 year old man has performed a miracle? It must be his patented "Age-Defying Protein Shake".
Here is the recipe for this miracle working shake, let me know if it works out for you:
Pat Robertson's Age-Defying Protein Shake
- 6 - 8 ounces of orange juice (water, other fruit juices, low-fat or skim milkcan be substituted)
- *5 tablespoons soy protein isolate
- *5 tablespoons whey protein isolate
- 2 tablespoons natural apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
- 1 tablespoon safflower oil
- In a standard blender, combine the above ingredients.Blend until the shake is smooth and the ice cubes are crushed.
- Optional ingredients you can try:
- 2 tablespoons non-fat plain yogurt or 1 banana (gives more body to the drink)
- 1 teaspoon Creatine, (5 grams) Creatine is intended to be used by those individuals who are engaged in strenuous physical activity and training.Individuals under the age of 18 years, should not use Creatine. (if you add Creatine, remember you need to drink at least 8 oz.of water in addition to your shake). *The amount of protein per serving is dependent upon the product purchased.You should aim for 32 grams of protein in the shake.
- Adjust the quantity of tablespoons according to the label on the product purchased.
- 2 tablespoons (or more) soy lecithin
- 1 teaspoon MSM powder
- 1 teaspoon glutamine powder
- 5 - 6 frozen strawberries
- (other fruits can be substituted)
- Non-caloric sweetener to taste
- 4 - 5 ice cubes
- (optional, use for a colder shake)
Posted by
Tommy Bailey
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Rick Warren's Wife- "Christians must do more to combat AIDS, comfort victims"
I thought this article was worth mentioning.
What would Jesus do when confronted by AIDS?
By Kay Warren
Special to CNN
LAKE FOREST, California (CNN) -- Joana crawled toward me on her skeletal elbows and knees, each movement a painful reminder of the fact that she was dying.
When I met her, this emaciated woman was homeless, living under a tree. She had unrelenting diarrhea, little food, no earthly possessions, and only an elderly auntie who had taken pity on her to care for her needs.
Still, she roused herself to offer me, an American visitor to her part of Mozambique, a traditional greeting.
The African pastors who brought me to visit her told me that she had been evicted from her village when it became known that she had AIDS. Now, in this second village, her tiny stick house had mysteriously burned after her status became known. A short time later, Joana died -- rejected, abandoned, persecuted and destitute.
We may think this doesn't happen in the United States. "People who are HIV-positive are treated better than that here," we say. But I'm not so sure.
I live in affluent Orange County, California, yet a disabled man in my area who was HIV positive was not allowed to enter his brother's home.
He and his wife could live in the backyard, but he couldn't come inside. To bathe him, his wife had to attach a nozzle to a hose and shoot him with a hard spray of water that would hopefully dislodge dirt and grime. The family dog was treated better than this man; at least it could go in the house.
Like Joana in Mozambique, this man may also die rejected, abandoned, persecuted and destitute.
As a follower of Christ, I am seriously disturbed by both stories.
Horrific and startling images confront each of us daily through newspapers, televisions, and eyewitness accounts of those suffering from AIDS. You can do what I did for years -- choose to ignore it all because it was too painful -- or you can become disturbed -- seriously, dangerously disturbed -- so disturbed that you are compelled to do something.
Christians are just as guilty as non-Christians of wanting to look the other way when it comes to the problems confronting our world, the topics that make us uncomfortable. But we need to be seriously disturbed about homelessness, child prostitution, rape, poverty, injustice, and HIV/AIDS.
Twenty-five years into the AIDS pandemic, being HIV-positive still carries stigma and shame. But God cares for the sick and so must we.
It's not a sin to be sick. The Bible tells us Jesus was repeatedly "filled with compassion" as he encountered broken bodies and broken minds. While polite society vigorously avoided contact with those they considered diseased outcasts, Jesus responded in a radical way: He cared, he touched, he healed.
I had no medication that could cure Joana, nothing to alleviate her pain, nothing that would restore her to health. But I offered the one thing that all of us can offer: I offered my presence. I put my arms gently around her, prayed for relief from her suffering and whispered, "I love you."
This is a start, but much more is needed. Today, I challenge the worldwide church to take on the global giants of spiritual darkness, lack of servant leaders, poverty, disease, and ignorance. It's past time for those who claim to be Christ's followers to join the struggle against the devastation that the HIV virus brings.
How many more like Joana have to die before you become seriously disturbed?
Posted by
Tommy Bailey
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Al Gore's Name Taken Off Poster of His Own Movie
Former Vice President Al Gore's name is nowhere to be found on PARAMOUNT's poster campaign for the new 'global warming' movie 'AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH.'
Gore's name is not featured on the dramatic poster promoting the movie -- a poster which welcomes moviegoers at the nation's theaters!
"It's not a political movie," a top source at PARAMOUNT explained, offering no other explanation on why Gore's name does not appear, even in the film's credits on the poster.
A rival studio executive claims marketing research showed little audience interest in a movie starring Al Gore.
Why do you think they didn't put his name on the poster for his own movie?
Posted by
Tommy Bailey
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I guess today marks the start of the Apocalypse.
I better go get some bottled water and canned goods.
Posted by
Tommy Bailey
Tuesday, June 06, 2006