Saturday, June 24, 2006

Earth Warmest In 400 Years

Weighing in on the highest profile debate about global warming, the nation's premier science policy body on Thursday voiced a "high level of confidence" that Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, and possibly even the last 2,000 years.

This study is that latest in a series of studies to theorize that human conduct has had an impact on Global climate change. Most extreme conservatives would still say that human conduct has nothing to do with global warming, and the most extreme would say that global warming isn't even real. This current study was requested by a Republican controlled congress, not a left wing independent or Democrat. This planetary problem is no longer just a left-wing wack job issue, it's a real issue for this planet, and it's time to be good stewards of this planet (the first command of God to humans by the way). is a great place to get started if you want to get involved (non-partisan)


Anonymous said...

Although I agree that we all need to be good stewards I'm skeptical on the global warming issue. Most of the scientist that make these claims about the warming of the earth are the same ones who support "The Big Bang" and Darwinism. Besides, who was around 2000 years ago to take the earth's temp? (in fact, who was around 400 years ago?)

On a side note, the hole in the ozone layer is starting to repair itself. I think some scientists and eco groups are claiming that this is due to regulation of certain ozone depleting chemicals.
We didn't even know what the "ozone layer" was until just a few decades ago let alone decide that we had a problem with it.

OK, I've got to go spray my hair with hair spray then drive my 10 cylinder pickup next door to my neighbors so I can mow their yard without mulching . . .


Tommy Bailey said...

I agree that there is an overwhelming majority of "green" scientists who let their secular progressive agenda get in the way of real facts (i.e. Al Gore and his cohorts). On this point I agree.