Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Jesus Camp Review

This past Saturday night I had the chance to view the documentary Jesus Camp. As expected, this film made me, an evangelical Christian, outraged. This outrage was not directed at the filmakers, in fact I thought the filmakers made an even-handed documentary, the outrage was directed at the focus of this documentary; radical, fundamentalist Christians. It saddens me to tears that there are people in my faith who contort scripture to fit their own beliefs to this degree. There were points during the movie where I felt physically ill as I watched young children being manuipulated and brainwashed. This movie can't be summed up in a small review like this, you may need to see it for yourself, although I don't reccomend it for everyone.

I would also like to calm some fears that this documentary was made to paint all Christians as wacko-fundamentalists. As an evangelical Christian, I was not in any way offended by the way the content was presented. I do not believe anyone will walk out of a viewing of Jesus Camp and believe that the whole of Christianity was represented. It is a clearly presented documentatry that makes great strides to ensure that you, the viewer, know that this is a radical branch of Christianity.


dav said...

it really is sad to see that something so pure and holy as Christ can be twisted and manipulated, and used to draw in vulnerable, innocent children.

they really just need a star in this movie...like Michael W. Smith.


Tommy Bailey said...

How about Kirk Cameron.

dav said...

or that lady with pink hair...she's pretty good.

or joel osteen, he'd make those kids champions.

dav said...

cause we all know...

every 5 year old wanted more out of life at that age. forget sippy cups, power rangers, and play doh.

no i wanted more out of life.

provocative to say the least.


dav said...

Leeland rocks my proverbial socks off.