Interesting Night
Who do you think will be the bottom 3? Vote now in the poll.
This was an interesting night. It wasn't boring, but it wasn't ecstatic either. Taylor stole the show tonight, but every contestant had at least one good tune to perform tonight. It gets tougher every week to guess on who will be asked by America to leave. We'll soon see tomorrow, but until then, you should vote in the poll and let your voice be heard (you'vde been right every time).
Katherine McPhee:
- Against All Odds, pitchy, and boring.
- Black Horse and the Cherry Tree, was odd, but I liked it, I thought it was fun and creative, loved the intimate percussion.

Elliott Yamin: This guy can sing, but not as well tonight.
- On Broadway was done really well, was a little stale to me
- Home, there's no place like home, or is it there's no place for Home. Boring.

Paris Bennett: Overall, she did well, but I'm afraid not well enough. Even though I hate to say it (I think she has one of the best voices on the show) Paris didn't show us who she really is tonight, and she won't make it past this week.
- Kiss was okay, but not really a stellar moment
- I love Mary J. Blige, and Paris did a great job with her latest tune, but I'm not sure that those who don't know the song are going to like it.

Taylor Hicks: Great performances, both of them.
- Play That Funky Music was written for Taylor Hicks. The judges really rattled him on the first tune, but man, he was made for that song, and he executed it brilliantly. It may have been a little over the top towards the end, but Taylor is Taylor. One of my favorite performances this season.
- You have to hand it to Taylor, he found some way to get a 30 year old tune off a current top 10 list, brilliant. The Beatles tune Something was perfect.

Chris Daughtry:
- Loved his first performance, Renegade, possibly the best of the night.
- I Dare You by Shinedown was terrible. It may have been okay live, but translated to television, it was a shouting match.
Remember to vote in the poll.
This was a very interesting night. I liked the 2 themes. Except for Chris, I knew when all the Birth year song choices of the other 4 where high up on the song charts and blasting out of people’s radios. I am not into rock. The only rock group I ever gave any kind of listen to was Van Halen.; so I can not explain why I like Chris. I just do. This is the first time for me that Taylor gave a top performance. He was really good.
I have voted and I am still in the process of voting. Again it’s been real easy calling in my votes for Paris. I guess she will be in the bottom 3 and/or even worse.
ok ok ... here's my take on last nite.
Elliott - i'm just not a fan. it wasn't horrible, but not great.
Paris - this girl can sing! and she's only 16!! she has a career ahead of her, but i don't see her making it to the top 3. I thot she did a great job on Kiss!! better than prince in my opinion.
Chris - i'm not a rock fan by any means, but it wasn't too bad. most rockers scream their songs anyway, right?
Kat - kat's first song was ok, she can sing better than that!(i think it would of been better in a higher key)however, her last song was awesome! i'm a huge fan!!!! GO KAT!
Taylor - rocked the house! he was the only one last nite that had 2 great preformances -"SOUL PATROL" i'm starting to think he might be the next Idol. Go Taylor!!
Just so you guys know, I'm wearing my Soul Patrol t-shirt today! :)
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