Friday, April 28, 2006

United 93

I just got back from viewing the new film about the story of United 93 on September 11, 2001. The movie succeeded in the fact that it didn't stoop to Hollywood dramatics or sensationalism. It genuinely was created to make you feel like you were on flight 93 yourself. Every attention to detail was given to the highest degree. Even though you leave the theater with a sense of exhaustion and sadness, you also leave knowing that you witnessed the true story of true American heroes. It has been a long time since I left a theater in that context. I highly recommend this film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to view this film, but no one close to me wants to see it. In opposition I hear this, "Why do they want to keep bringing that day up?" They feel it is morbid.

I feel that it is history. The heroic efforts of the flight 93 passengers from most accounts kept the US Capital building from being a successful target like the WTC and the Pentagon. I think more stories of people saving others that day such as Frank De Martini and Pablo Ortiz should be produced. These two men were apart of the Port Authoriy Construction on the 88th floor of WTC1. They freed countless numbers of people trapped on floors above them. Neither survived. It looks like I will going to view this film alone.